Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Five things you don't want to hear when getting into the shower

So last night I get out of the shower and offer this warning to my sister, project!
M:"Ok so I have three bad things you should know."
P:"Great the water is freezing!"
M:"Oh, ok four bad things, er, ok five things."
Project smirks!
M:"1. The water is freezing. (not that is is uncommon, but sometimes it reaches a new level of Artic.) 2.There is no water pressure. (at this point you start to use the ever ready and multi-use African bucket.) 3. (ok a little back story: After sweating all the time and then drying out and then sweating again, many people start to get this "rash". The remedy is a medicated soap. This soap only costs 300 shillings-30 centsish-and is jet black...this should have been our first warning) but 3. The soap smells awful...seriously I think I just bathed in chemicals and now the "entire" bathroom smells like it too! 4. well I use the term bathed loosely because it also won't create suds. So you are really just rubbing this paste all over your body....which leads to 5. It doesn't wash off. YEAH!!! This is Africa clean.

So Project proceeds to take her shower and afterwards tells me that in fact not only was there no water pressure, at one point there was no water. Yup! you guessed it, at random times throughout the day the water just shuts off. Oh happy times! The upside is that we still smell pretty good considering!

And because showering sometimes isn't possible, I decided to make my life a little easier...
As Project is getting out of the shower I tell her I need some help with something. She walks out of the shower and says, "You are cutting your hair!...with fiskers!" Yup with the help of lil sas and a pair of dull safety scissors I am now modeling my new african doo! Wait for the pics, I am actually really proud!

Love and miss you all!


  1. cant wait to see the new do - good thing you have curly hair :)

  2. I was thinking the same thing, curly hair must be an advantage with impromptu haircuts. I can't wait to see it : )

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. what did dad say that had to be removed????? OMG!

  5. Thanks for the laughs! Missionary training in central illinois is definitely not as cool! :-) I'm praying for you both!

  6. I don't know what they are talking about. I said nothing that was bad...really. In fact, I can't even remember what I said!
