Friday, June 4, 2010

Blogging is hard in the middle of Africa

so folks sorry we haven't been updating more but the internet is down here much of the time and better yet the electricity comes and goes as it pleases. Last night the entire city went out for who knows how long. and even if we have electricity and also internet, sometimes the shop owner disappears and there is no way to get into the internet cafe.

However with all that being said, it has been an awesome first week, and I'm not sure 9 weeks is going to be long enough. Bridget and I have both been placed in primary classrooms with children ranging from 4-7 years old. The skill levels are all over the board so sometimes it can be a little difficult to communicate with the kids. We have learned some key words and phrases to help out, like hapana:no, achakalele:keep quiet, andika:write, mzuri sani:very good and many others like this. While our schools are very different and what we do each day varies the one thing we would both say is that the kids make it all worth it. They really are so amazing and just want the positive attention and love from us. And trust me we are ready and willing to give as much of that as possible.

We are truly blest to have any amazing community here with CCS. Robert is our cook and he never disappoints. Seriously, I think that we are going to come home having gained weight and that is not okay with us. Bridget and I have a room to ourselves with bunk beds and get this our own bathroom....well a bathroom of sorts. It is a two foot by four foot area that has a sink, shower and toilet all in one. Wait for the pics, its GREAT! and also, ek I don't even want to say it..I have airconditioning at night. Seriously spoiled!

We have been making a list of things we miss and don't miss and here is what tops the lists. Things we miss: ICE (and more specifically sonic ice, yup no ice here), B:cherry vanilla diet dr pepper M:diet cherry limeaids, not sleeping with mosquito nets (seriously a 10 minute process at the end of a busy day is a real pain) and of course friends and family and moxie. Things we don't miss: driving everywhere (its really so nice to walk), rude people(everyone and I mean everyone is SO welcoming here and always smiling), having to be somewhere all the time...gotta love Tanzania time!

Thats all for now folks, off to a music festival, dinner and then to watch a futbul match (thats soccer here :)) Love and Miss you all! Kwerii


  1. Great post girls. Love it. Moxie misses you very much, but yesterday she fell asleep with me after work the other night in my chair, so I think she is getting used to our house.

    We are doing the CEE weekend this weekend,so we will ask the couples to pray for you.

    Love you,


  2. What I have learned from mission trips around the world is that electricity and ICE are very luxurious items. But, like you, smiling faces and real JOY make it all worthwhile. I'm anxious to see your pictures. Have fun and enjoy every moment God has given you. And, 9 weeks won't be long enough :) Grandma Jo

  3. don't lie. it's actually a hole in the ground...
